
Join the mailing list

In addition to publishing and republishing Cassirer’s works, the H.W. Cassirer project aims to encourage new learning, research, and dialogue in Cassirer’s fields of interest.

The mailing list serves to help that goal in two ways:

  1. By sharing occasional updates on project activity.

  2. By providing a forum for others to exchange relevant news and views (messages are moderated).

Anyone with an interest is welcome to join the list.

How does the list work? The H.W. Cassirer Archive mailing list uses Google Groups. Members can control the frequency of notifications (including a no-notification, online-only option) and unsubscribe at any time. You can also choose to follow discussion relating to a specific topic—this is useful where you want to share information or ask a question and be alerted to responses.

All members can send messages to the list. These are proactively moderated to ensure they remain relevant to the audience. That means there will be a delay in transmission, to allow one of the team to check each message. Once approved, messages can be viewed by all members. Only list members can respond.

Privacy: The list is owned, managed and moderated by the project team at the University of Sheffield. Members outside this team cannot see who else is a member. If you send a message to the mailing list and it is approved, your email address will be visible to other members and they will be able to reply to you directly.

Leaving the list: An unsubscribe link is included in every outgoing email. Those who choose to take part online-only will need to log into the Google Group forum to post responses and/or leave the group.