HINE's CAssirer: A Companion to The digital Cassirer Collection
HEINRICH WALTER CASSIRER (1903-1979) was a philosopher and self-taught biblical scholar. German and Jewish by birth, he came to the UK in the 1930s with the support of a scheme for academic refugees.
During his lifetime Cassirer published commentaries on Aristotle's psychology and Kant's first and third critiques. His earliest publication was a German translation of a treatise by the late medieval scholar Nicolas de Cusa, which appears as an appendix to his father's monograph Individuum und Kosmos (1927).
Further works were published posthumously including an independent translation of the New Testament, a translation of Kant's Critique of Practical Judgment, and a study of moral theory and the role of "law" in freedom as seen in the writings of St Paul, Kant, and the Hebrew prophets.
About this site
University of Sheffield researchers have digitised the works of Heinz Cassirer (1903–1979), exploring their relevance for 21st-century interdisciplinary biblical studies.
This subsite was created by digitisation lead Dr I. C. Hine as a place to document and share work-in-progress.
It is a companion to The Digital Cassirer Collection: Editions, the main output of the Sheffield Cassirer project.