About us
Sheffield Cassirer is a research project under the auspices of Sheffield Interdisciplinary Institute for Biblical Studies (SIIBS).
The project has a dedicated postdoctoral researcher, Dr Iona Hine, who is the main contributor to this subsite (hence "Hine's Cassirer"). Dr Hine has previously worked on translation, historical linguistics, and digital humanities. She is the co-founder of EMBERS, a network for scholars interested in early modern bibles and was director of 500 Reformations, an outreach project exploring stories of change.
The project is overseen by Dr Meredith Warren, Director of SIIBS and a Senior Lecturer in the School of English at the University of Sheffield. [External profile]
Assisting on the project in Spring 2021 was MA English Literature student Emily Burke, supporting digitisation of Cassirer’s biblical works as part of a work placement module. She is also writing a research essay in connection with the placement.

Project advisors and consultants include:
Hugh Pyper, Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies. As a doctoral student, Professor Pyper proofread Cassirer's New Testament translation. He acted as temporary custodian of the archive which is now in the care of the University of Sheffield. [Profile]
Frances Babbage, Professor of English Literature. A specialist in theatre and performance, Professor Babbage advised on performance of Cassirer's (Sophocles') Oedipus at Colonus. [Profile]
Robert Stern, Professor of Philosophy. Sharing Cassirer's interest in Kantian ethics and the relationship between concepts of freedom in faith and philosophy, Professor Stern is lending his curiosity and expertise to local conversations about Cassirer's encounter with Paul. [Profile]
Sue Vice, Professor of English Literature. Intrigued by Cassirer's biography, Professor Vice has helped to shape a potential follow-on enquiry exploring the intersections between his life and works. [Profile]
Other contributors include: Chris Brook, Jim Buck, Jack Cadman Dennis, Rob Hemus, Bathsheba Lockwood Brook, Julia Lockwood Byers, Rachael McNiven (Seventy Seven Creations), Michael Newman, Mitchell Nuttall, Ellie Pickersgill, and David Stead.